

A metaphor is word or phrase that compares two unlike things. For example, "the man is on fire." In basketball term "the man is on fire" means that a player has a shooting streak or he is untouchable on the court. Another example is "that game was a breeze" which means that the game was easy.

In the first seven lines of the poem "Waste Land" by T.S. Eliot, he is stating that April is the cruelest month because the beginning of new life is painful. For example when a baby is born and respiration system closes down, and their first breath kicks in. Its very painful and they cry. T.S Eliot referred to plants as the new life that is beginning. He stated that winter keep the plants warm even with the snow on top of the earth, feeding them a little bit of nutrients. "Winter kept us warm, covering Earth in forgetful snow, feeding A little life with dried tubers. However, just like babies its painful for plants to get there first breath of air.

In the poem " The Force That Through the Green Fuse Drives the Flower" by Dylan Thomas has many metaphors in it. For instance in stanza one

"The force that through the green fuse drives the flower

Drives my green age; that blasts the roots of trees

Is my destroyer.

And I am dumb to tell the crooked rose

My youth is bent by the same wintry fever."

Dylan Thomas was try to say what ever flows in the flower to keep it going, also flows in us humans. also that we go through the same conditions as them. Such as winter. also the lead towards death. Just how a plant would die if something goes wrong with it, a human would also.

In stanza two

" The force that drives the water through the rocks

Drives my red blood; that dries the mouthing streams

Turns mine to wax.

And I am dumb to mouth unto my veins

How at the mountain spring the same mouth sucks.

He was saying that the water that moves through the mountain is like the blood is our human veins. Also he said the sun which dries the mountain stream turns mine in to wax. i think he was refereeing to life and how man was made out of wax/clay.

In the poem "A Meditation For His Mistress" by Robert Herrick he is comparing his girlfriend to a flower, saying that she is pretty, however her beauty is only temporary as in life. For instance in the last stanza he compared her to a queen , but then turned around said she going to die sooner or later.

© Marcus Gantt 2011